The #1 Membership Community for Business Owners to

Grow your business & sales

without adding more to your to-do list.

Happy Nest Collective Membership

 Join the Happy Nest Collective & get live coaching, on-demand training, and templates for only $47/month


Get instant access to

The Happy Nest Collective

where entrepreneurs come to connect, grow, and celebrate their business journey without adding more to their to-do lists…




 The online community for women striving for growth and connection, with a sprinkle of European flair in their lives! 

hosted by Award-Winning Professor & Business Coach, Dr. Christiane Schroeter


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People say that doing the same action over and over again and expecting different results is crazy.

If you want different results in your online business, you’ve got to do something different.

Mastermind Collective Woman

You’re passionate about your online business and the impact it can make. But the constant self-doubt and hesitation in your decisions have left you feeling

  • inconsistent,
  • uncertain,
  • and stuck.

Overwhelm, confusion, and frustration may be setting in, making you question if it’s all worth the effort. You might even contemplate giving up.

You can’t help but wonder…

How do other women in business seem to do it ALL???

Mastermind Collective Community

Smart female leaders find a community for accountability and support!

You want to bounce ideas off someone. Someone just like you.

Someone who’s also building an online business.

Not your cousin who only uses a phone to do TikToks.

And certainly not your off-line friend who binges Netflix all day.

You want to brainstorm and exchange ideas with other women just like you because . . . 

You’ve got a message and you want to share it with the world!

Don’t Give Up! You’re In The Right Place.

The World Needs Your Message!

The Happy Nest Collective is your Answer.

Oooh la la….



My personal experience is WOW! Christiane truly cares about the person. So very thankful.

Christa Spates

Christiane Happy Nest Collective Coaching

Community, Collaboration, and Accountability

You’ll discover everything you’re looking for to confidently try on new ways to grow your business.

Voila! Let’s see how the Happy Nest Collective works!

learn the journey to wellness plan

Sign up:

Join the Happy Nest Collective and get access to the resources.
establish healthy habits

Get the resources:

Receive a short and easy-to-understand task every month.

Grow your Business:

After a few months of completing the tasks, see your sales grow.

Join now and never feel alone when it comes to getting your business done!

Your Coach, Dr. Christiane Schroeter

Christiane Schroeter, Business & Wellness Coach
Once, I was a Food Economics student in Germany, unsure about applying for a Ph.D. program in the United States. 

Well, I took the plunge (literally, across the Ocean!)…

Today, I am a Business & Wellness Coach and Professor in California, and I have two daughters. 

I guide women at life’s crossroads who choose bold dreams over safety, even when it scares them.

So, sometimes, all it takes is a little leap of faith.

Do you have more questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me. I would love to to welcome you into the Happy Nest Collective.

Happy Nest Collective Membership

Happy Nest Colllective Details

Petite Practices: My “Never Fall off” Accountability System with European flair
Monthly Accountability: Connect, inspire and challenge each other
Passport Stamps: Earn virtual stamps so that you mark milestones and celebrate YOUR journey
Café Corners: Online forum to share, support and connect
Artisan Awards: Little surprises to celebrate your creativity, innovation and contribution

Let’s Get Started!

Her work ethic and enthusiasm is infectious! Her system is effective and easy to follow, interactive and includes life-long takeaways.


Jarett Margolis, Senior Manager Business Development

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works

What will I get with the Membership?

The Happy Nest Collective Membership includes:

  • Access to my signature “Never Fall off” Accountability System
  • 2 Monthly Group Zoom Meetings
  • Personalized feedback, eyes on YOUR projects
  • Access to collaborations with like-minded business women
  • Insights to latest AI business trends to optimize efficiency

Who is the Happy Nest Collective for?

Women who have experienced significant life changes, feeling stuck, powerless, and hungry for transformation, ready to connect with like-minded individuals, and benefit from personalized coaching and support.

What Topics are covered in the Membership?

Topics include

  • business strategy,
  • marketing,
  • mindset,
  • work-life balance, and
  • personalized advice tailored to individual business needs.

How long is the Membership?

The Happy Nest Collective welcomes you for as long as you need support and community. To see the benefits of growing your business, it might be beneficial to enjoy it for at least 3 months.

Is there a community aspect to the Happy Nest Collective?

Yes! There’s a strong focus on community. Members can connect, share experiences, and support each other in a collaborative environment.

What kind of support can I expect from the Happy Nest Collective?

Members receive personalized coaching, access to exclusive resources, group discussions, and networking opportunities.

How do I join the Happy Nest Collective?

Interested individuals can join here– we would love to welcome you as part of our Hello Happy Nest community – “The Nesties!”

How is the Membership different from other coaching programs?

Hello Happy Nest’s Membership focuses on a holistic approach, combining business growth strategies with personal development and a supportive community network.
Reach your goals with systems that work- one step at a time.
kickstart your health christiane
Christiane, Founder of Hello Happy Nest
outcome journey to wellness