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5 Pillars of Health Template

Tips and tricks for creating a balanced lifestyle

kickstart your health christiane

Written by Christiane Schroeter

September 2, 2023

What is the 5 Pillars of Health Template?

I learned about the 5 Pillars of Health Template during my graduate studies, and I can’t wait to share it with you! I know you will enjoy this handy toolkit, as in our fast-paced lives, it’s sooo easy to overlook the importance of holistic well-being! Well, each aspect of our health is interconnected, and nurturing all the pillars of wellness is essential for thriving in all areas of life.

Imagine the 5 Pillars of Health as the sturdy trunk and vibrant branches of a thriving wellness tree, with each element representing a crucial part of its ecosystem! Voila- meet the 5 Pillars of Health Template that give is tips and tricks for creating a balanced lifestyle!

In this blog post, let’s dive into a quick overview of each pillar and figure out how we can make a plan to align all of these pillars for everyday health. While perfection isn’t necessary, it’s important to prioritize and work on each pillar every day. There are countless little things we can do to improve in each area, so let’s do it!

image showing 5 pillars

Checking our 5 Pillars of Health: Aim for perfectly imperfect and have fun!


Plate showing balanced nutrition for 5 pillars of health

5 Pillars of Health Template

Pillar 1. Nutrition

The first pillar in our five pillars of health template is nutrition. Think of your nutrition as the rooted foundation of a tree. Nutrition is the nourishing soil from which our wellness tree draws its strength. Just like a tree absorbs nutrients from the earth, we absorb vitality from our food. It’s the fertile base that ensures our wellness tree stands tall and vibrant.

Proper nutrition provides the foundation for a healthy body and mind. A balanced intake of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water plays a vital role in preventing health conditions. When we nourish our bodies appropriately, we experience improvements in our weight management, hair, skin, and nails, as well as enhanced mood and better sleep quality.

Some easy and quick ways to add proper nutrition daily:

  • Cut up fruits & veggies and store in glass containers in your fridge,
  • Create a shopping list before leaving for the grocery store,
  • Take your refillable water bottle along to hydrate, and
  • Enjoy trying exotic fruits- it is great to have fun

Tip #1: Aim to eat foods of all colors of the rainbow


Lady exercising as part of 5 Pillars of Health Template Exercise

Pillar 2: Exercise

The Limber Limbs: Exercise serves as the tree’s limbs, reaching for the sky with vitality and vigor. These limbs carry the tree through the seasons of life, just as physical activity carries us through the stages of well-being. The more we move, the higher our tree reaches.

“Sitting is the new smoking” is not just a catchy phrase – research confirms that a sedentary lifestyle increases inflammation in our bodies. Regular exercise, even as little as half an hour of moderately intense physical activity, has extensive benefits. It reduces the risk of serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Exercise helps us sleep better, manage stress effectively, control our weight, elevate our mood, and sharpen our mental functioning. The release of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin during exercise contributes to that blissful feeling afterward.

Tip #2: Sitting is the new Smoking: Schedule small exercise breaks!


Check out this Favorite Family Recipe: Pizza Wraps

Pillar 3: Sleep

The Restful Canopy: Sleep forms the tranquil canopy above. Just as a tree’s leaves soak in sunlight for energy, we recharge under the restful embrace of sleep. It’s the peaceful shelter where our body, like the tree’s leaves, repairs and rejuvenates.

Surprisingly, the first pillar of wellness begins with something we often take for granted – sleep. Getting enough quality sleep has a profound impact on weight loss, immune system function, and overall happiness. Experts recommend at least eight hours of quality sleep every night. Factors like racing thoughts, stress, hormone imbalances, or poor digestion can hinder our sleep quality. Prioritizing sleep and establishing a relaxing bedtime routine can work wonders for our well-being. 

Tip #3: Create a quiet & cool bedroom without any electronics


women sleeping for 5 pillars of health template

Pillar 4. Mental health

The Wise Bark: Mental health is the tree’s wise, protective bark. Just as bark shields the tree from harsh elements, our mental well-being shields us from life’s storms. It’s the resilient armor that allows us to stand tall, unshaken by adversity.

Our thoughts and emotions significantly impact our overall well-being. The mind and body are interconnected, and an imbalance in one can affect the other. Negative emotions like stress, anxiety, and sadness can manifest physically, leading to imbalances, disease, and insomnia. It’s crucial to prioritize our mental well-being, especially in times of uncertainty. Nurturing a positive mindset, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed are vital for maintaining emotional wellbeing.

Tip #4: Share your feelings with friends /family and practice journaling


Women doing stretching 5 pillars of health template

Checking our 5 Pillars of Health: Quality over Quantity

  • Quality relationships enhance longevity as they provide a sense of trust and belonging.

    • Prioritize quality over quantity
    • Make an effort to stay in touch
    • Try new hobbies with your friends

Need a better system for accountability?

In the Mastermind group, I share a proven system packed with tips and tricks to help you actually reach your goals!

Pillar 5. Social health

The Blossoming Foliage: Social health is the tree’s lush foliage, vibrant and colorful. Like leaves, our social connections create a vibrant tapestry. They sway in the winds of life, providing shade, shelter, and beauty to our wellness tree.

Human beings are social creatures, and positive relationships nourish our souls. The most crucial relationship begins with ourselves – taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional needs. Building strong connections and surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals are fundamental for overall happiness.

While technology helps us stay connected, nothing beats the power of quality face-to-face time with loved ones. It’s a potent stress-buster and mood-booster that contributes to our overall well-being.

Tip #5: Try new hobbies with your friends such as gardening, dancing, or board games


Family having fun as 5 Pillars of Health Template Social Health

Checking our 5 Pillars of Health: Practice mindful eating

  • Pay attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.
  • Eat slowly, savor each bite.
  • Avoid distractions like screens during meals to enjoy and appreciate your food.
Women doing stretching 5 pillars of health template

Create your 5 Pillars of Health Template

Understanding the importance of each pillar of wellness and their interdependence is the key to achieving holistic well-being. By prioritizing sleep, nourishing our bodies, exercising regularly, nurturing our thoughts and emotions, and cultivating meaningful relationships, we can create a balanced and fulfilling life.

Remember, it’s the small steps taken consistently that create significant changes in our overall well-being. Let’s embark on this journey together and strive for optimal health in every aspect of our lives!


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Recommended readings about the 5 Pillars of Health Template:

The Good Life “The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness” by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz

Beauty Detox Book  “The Beauty Detox Solution” by Kimberly Snyder

kickstart your health christiane

Christiane Schroeter

Christiane has been passionate about health & wellness since the start of her academic career in food & nutrition.  She earned a Ph.D. in food economics and works as a professor in food marketing & innovation. In addition, she is a certified fitness instructor teaching a variety of workout classes.

Her business Hello Happy Nest aims at helping others with their health & wellness goals and she has formed friendships with her customers all over the world. Find out more about Christiane.