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Supercharge your immunity

From garden to gladiator with fruits and vegetables

kickstart your health christiane

Written by Christiane

April 2023

How do I supercharge my immunity?

Are you feeling the need to boost your immune system and feeling a bit under the weather?

Whether there is a cold going around or you are getting ready for travel, a little immunity kick is always welcome.

In this post, I will share the Top 5 Fruits and Vegetables with Vitamin C. Surprise- it is not just oranges!

In addition, I will also give some pointers with regard to sneaking more fruits and vegetables into your daily meals to supercharge your immunity. One of my favorites is a recipe for a red bell pepper dip!

supercharge your immunity teresa
supercharge your health

How to eat healthy and add Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a little powerhouse!

Your body needs Vitamin C to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen in bones. In addition, Vitamin C aid your body’s healing process.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. That means, it helps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals that are produced when your body

  • breaks down food,
  • is exposed to tobacco smoke, radiation from the sun or X-rays.

Vitamin C also helps your body absorb and store iron. Your body does not produce vitamin C, which means you need to get it from your diet. 

Tip #1: Aim for a balanced diet to get your Vitamin C intake.


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How do I increase my Vitamin C intake?

So, how can you get your daily Vitamin C to boost your immune system?

supercharge your immunity 18

Consume Fruits & Vegetables Everyday

  • Eating fruits & vegetables is a great and easy way to eat healthy everyday. Many fruits and vegetables are full of Vitamin C, which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight off germs and bacteria.
  • Consuming produce has the added bonus that it is packed with other beneficial ingredients such as minerals, low in calories, and high in fiber, which supports gut health.

Take a Vitamin C Supplement

  • If you take Vitamin C for its antioxidant properties, oral supplement might not offer the same benefits as naturally occurring antioxidants in food.More importantly, research shows that consuming high doses of Vitamin C supplements increase the acid level in the stomach. This leads to acid reflux, bloating, diarrhea, and cramps.

    Thus, unlike natural Vitamin C, the synthetic version irritates your gut, which is not ideal when you are trying to boost your overall health!

    So, let’s find out which fruits and vegetables contain the most Vitamin C.

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What Fruits and Vegetables contain the most Vitamin C?

When we think of produce that are rich in Vitamin C, we immediately think of oranges. Well, did you know that oranges come in fourth place in the ranking of Top 5 Fruits and Vegetables? Please note that this Top 5 contains some of the most common produce and most of these are available year-round!

So, if you are looking for that quick boost of Vitamin C, here is the ranking of the produce with it:

  1. Kiwi
  2. Red Bell Pepper
  3. Strawberries
  4. Oranges
  5. Broccoli

Let’s look at them step by step.

    supercharge your immunity kiwi

    Tip #2: Eat your green, red, yellow and purple fruits and veggies to get your vitamin boost.


    1. Kiwi

    Kiwis lead the way in terms of fruits that are rich in Vitamin C: One cup of sliced kiwi has 170 mg of Vitamin C!

    They are available year-round in most parts of the world. There are many ways to enjoy the intake of this Top Vitamin C powerhouse.

    • Cutting it in half and eat it by scooping with a spoon
    • Adding some slices to a fruit salad
    • Use a cookie cutter to create fun shapes

    In any case, kiwis add a cute punch of color!

    red bell peppers

    2. Red Bell Pepper

    One medium raw red bell pepper contains 152 mg of Vitamin C! Raw red bell peppers reap the most health benefits.

    Red Bell Peppers are inexpensive and great for meal planning. They are so easy and quick to add:

    • Cut in strips and eat with a dip
    • Use them as an ingredient in dips
    • Add them to a salad or vegetable skewer to add some crunch

    Fun Fact: Red Bell Peppers support your gut health, as they are more ripe and thus, easier to digest than green or yellow ones.

    3. Strawberries

    One more reason to love strawberries is because they pack in so much Vitamin C! Enjoy one cup to get 100 mg of Vitamin C.

    • Add some fresh strawberries to your oatmeal 
    • Freeze strawberries for smoothies
    • Decorate your green salad with fresh strawberries 
    • Infuse your water with fresh strawberries to add flavor
    strawberries vitamin C

    4. Oranges

    Surprise, Oranges come in fourth place in the ranking. One medium orange has 70 mg of Vitamin C.

    oranges vitamin C

    Tip #3: Steam broccoli ahead of time and store it in the fridge as a quick snack.


    5. Broccoli

    Good news – there are many healthy meal options for broccoli! Because it is loaded with Vitamin C: ​​One cup of cooked broccoli packs in 102 mg. Store fresh broccoli in the fridge for up to a week. When shopping, look for fresh or frozen broccoli without any additives.

    • Steam Broccoli ahead of time for meals during the week
    • Add it to soups or pasta salads
    • Top off a baked potato with air-fried broccoli


    broccoli vitamin C

    How do I add more fruits and vegetables?

    One way to add more fruits and vegetables into your day is to think about eating a rainbow: always try to add something green, red, yellow, or purple to your plate. To save some money on fresh produce, look at seasonal and local offerings of fruits and vegetables.

    There are four sneaky ways to add veggies in your day:

    • Steaming
    • Baking
    • In a salad
    • With a dip
    from garden to gladiator

    1. Steaming

    Good news – there are many healthy meal options for broccoli! Because it is loaded with Vitamin C: ​​One cup of cooked broccoli packs in 102 mg. Store fresh broccoli in the fridge for up to a week. When shopping, look for fresh or frozen broccoli without any additives.

    • Steam Broccoli ahead of time for meals during the week
    • Add it to soups or pasta salads
    • Top off a baked potato with air-fried broccoli
    steam vegetables supercharge

    2. Baking

    Good news – there are many healthy meal options for broccoli! Because it is loaded with Vitamin C: ​​One cup of cooked broccoli packs in 102 mg. Store fresh broccoli in the fridge for up to a week. When shopping, look for fresh or frozen broccoli without any additives.

    • Steam Broccoli ahead of time for meals during the week
    • Add it to soups or pasta salads
    • Top off a baked potato with air-fried broccoli
    salad boost immunity

    3. In a Salad

    Good news – there are many healthy meal options for broccoli! Because it is loaded with Vitamin C: ​​One cup of cooked broccoli packs in 102 mg. Store fresh broccoli in the fridge for up to a week. When shopping, look for fresh or frozen broccoli without any additives.

    • Steam Broccoli ahead of time for meals during the week
    • Add it to soups or pasta salads
    • Top off a baked potato with air-fried broccoli
    dips vitamin C immunity

    4. With a Dip

    Good news – there are many healthy meal options for broccoli! Because it is loaded with Vitamin C: ​​One cup of cooked broccoli packs in 102 mg. Store fresh broccoli in the fridge for up to a week. When shopping, look for fresh or frozen broccoli without any additives.

    • Steam Broccoli ahead of time for meals during the week
    • Add it to soups or pasta salads
    • Top off a baked potato with air-fried broccoli

    In my happy healthy hustle podcast, I provide quick and simple insight into what to look for during grocery shopping!

    How to supercharge your immunity

    It seems so daunting to eat healthy everyday! However, when you go through the produce section of a supermarket, just start choosing colorful fruits and vegetables. The more colorful the plate, the more you create a healthy variety of vitamins that boost your immune system!

    A variety of storage containers in your fridge with pre-cut fruits and vegetables will help to facilitate meal preparation throughout the week.

    In addition to putting more fruits and vegetables into your meals, you can also decorate your food with fresh herbs and fill your lunch box with snacks that are supporting your health!

    Check out the Red Bell Pepper Dip recipe! Contact me with any questions and I look forward to hearing from you!

    kickstart your health christiane

    Christiane Schroeter

    Christiane has been passionate about health & wellness since the start of her academic career in food & nutrition.  She earned a Ph.D. in food economics and works as a professor in food marketing & innovation. In addition, she is a certified fitness instructor teaching a variety of workout classes.

    Her business Hello Happy Nest aims at helping others with their health & wellness goals and she has formed friendships with her customers all over the world.

    Click here to find out more about Christiane